Cadet Hairstyles
Male Cadets

Hair shall be neatly groomed and conservatively styled. Bizarre or exaggerated styles or colours (green, purple, etc.) are not permitted. Male cadets will be clean shaven at all times when in uniform.
Hair shall be taper trimmed at the back, sides, and above the ears. It shall be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the shirt collar. No hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows. Shaving of all the hair on the head is also permitted.
Sideburns – Sideburns shall not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear, and shall be squared off horizontally at the bottom edge and taper trimmed to conform to the overall hairstyle.
Beards – Only cadets adherent of the Sikh religion or cadets experiencing recognized medical problems preventing them from shaving may wear a beard. If you fall into either of these categories, please see the Supply Officer.
Hair shall be taper trimmed at the back, sides, and above the ears. It shall be kept free from the neck to a distance of 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the shirt collar. No hair shall touch the ears or fall below the top of the eyebrows. Shaving of all the hair on the head is also permitted.
Sideburns – Sideburns shall not extend below a line horizontally bisecting the ear, and shall be squared off horizontally at the bottom edge and taper trimmed to conform to the overall hairstyle.
Beards – Only cadets adherent of the Sikh religion or cadets experiencing recognized medical problems preventing them from shaving may wear a beard. If you fall into either of these categories, please see the Supply Officer.
Female Cadets
How to wear a Wedge

You wear your wedge on the right side of your head. The lower point of the front crease of the wedge is to be in the centre of your forehead. The front edge of the cap is to be 2.5 cm (1 in.) above your right eyebrow. If you remember that the bird on the cap badge should look toward the sky, you will always have the cap on the right side of your head. To be sure the cap is 2.5 cm (1 in.) above the right eyebrow, you can use the measurement of the width of two fingers. If your hair hangs down on your forehead you should be sure to tuck it under your wedge when in uniform.
When you are outside you will always keep your head-dress on, even when you are seated. You will also keep your head-dress on in a mall or store unless you are seated. Remove your head-dress in a restaurant or church.
When you are outside you will always keep your head-dress on, even when you are seated. You will also keep your head-dress on in a mall or store unless you are seated. Remove your head-dress in a restaurant or church.
Breast Pockets
Note– When ironing your pants and tunic you should use a pressing cloth. A pressing cloth may be a towel, pillowcase or other piece of cloth. Some people also use an open brown paper bag. The pressing cloth will prevent your tunic and pants from becoming shiny due to ironing. You should also use a pressing cloth when ironing your wedge and necktie. The creases in your trousers/slacks sharpen with the use of a moist pressing cloth or by wetting the crease itself.